Our Vision
Our school vision rooted in scripture.
John 8:12 "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life."
- We value the worth and potential of each person, enabling all to flourish and shine as lights in the world.
- The whole school community will know the love of Christ.
- A high quality, broad and balanced curriculum will ensure none walk in darkness.
Our weekly certificates have the line "this week we shone for Christ." When we let our light shine, we let the light of Jesus radiate from within us to transform lives and communities around us. When we let our light shine, we shape society with the peace, joy and compassion of Jesus and live "life in all it's fullness."
Before healing the blind man in John 9, Jesus declares that he is the light of the world! Jesus helps us to see God, and he sheds truth on what is true and righteous. This means that we never have to walk in darkness. We can trust Jesus to lead, guide us and protect us. And we can be lights to those around us!
The main difference is that day is light and night is dark. There are things that are really difficult to do at night, unless we have lights to help us.
For example a lighthouse helps the ships not to crash into the rocks!
Jesus said that he was the light of the world, he was saying that there’s a light that’s more important than any light that we see with our eyes. When we open our hearts to Jesus, he shines his light in us so that we can see God at work in our lives and he can show us the way!
Jesus also taught that we can be light! When we trust Jesus, and when we’re filled with the Holy Spirit, we become like lights to other people that point them to God.
As a Christian school family, we take great encouragement Jesus, who himself tells us "I am the light of the world" (John 8:12), is within all of us. We are all God's children and are called to "give glory" to our Father in heaven through our "good works". This reminds us of the importance of our actions. Our actions allow us to let our light shine. Our actions allow us to share the light of Jesus with those around us, transforming society and enacting positive change. We want our school and church to be beacons that shine far and wide, transforming our region with the light of Jesus.
Listen to our Reception and Key Stage One children singing. They are practising for the Christmas nativity but this song is so relevant to our vision, and us wanting to "shine for Jesus."
I'm gonna shine, shine, shine so they follow,
I'm the brightest star that they've ever seen,
I's gonna thank you God 'cause you've chosen me
To help and light the way.