Linking Schools Project

Who am I? Who are we? Where do we live? How can we all live well together?

These are vital questions for children and young people in the UK who are negotiating an increasingly complex society. A key driver of stereotyping, misunderstanding, fear and prejudice is lack of contact with people different to ourselves.

The Linking Network inspires and equips schools to support children and young people to build meaningful connections across all forms of difference.

Our Approach - The Linking Network


What is 'Linking'?

At the heart of our work is the unique process of ‘linking’ which we’ve developed over the past two decades. Linking is the sharing of time and experiences with people from different backgrounds. This might be socioeconomic background, nationality, faith or belief, age or other differentiating characteristics.

To reduce prejudice and challenge stereotypes, simply bringing people together is not enough. Effective Linking takes careful thought and preparation.

Our work at The Linking Network is rooted in research around intergroup contact. ‘Linking’ provides opportunities for meaningful positive social contact.

St. Michael and All Angels are proud to be involved in The Linking Network Programme. We are linked with Marsden Primary School in Nelson and have had three successful years, building relationships.

This is us planning events for 2024 2025! 


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Here are some examples of the letters year 3 have written to the year 3 children at Marsden Primary School. The children were thrilled to receive letters back!

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Linking with Year 5! Keeping Our Friendships Going!

We’ve been Linking for 3 years! - The Linking Network


Year 5 children from 6 Pendle Primary Schools worked with the artist, Gosha Gibek-Brand, to create an exhibition which explores identity through ‘a cross-community expression in celebration of people, cultures and the local landscape’. Three linking pairs of schools which had already linked for 2 previous years, came together to produce this collaborative artwork which is now on view in Nelson Library and the community space at Systems 3B. As part of the Pendle Festival of Culture, parents were then invited to not only see their children’s artwork, but also to take part in the same workshop with Gosha so that further conversations about identity and community could take place.

To celebrate their achievements in their Year 5 Schools Linking Art Project, the children of Marsden Primary and St Michael’s and All Angels C of E Primary came together one more time to see their artwork proudly displayed and to enjoy another day together. They had a fun session in Nelson Library, encouraging the children to make use of this local facility, which involved dressing up and sharing the joy of smelling old books!