How to help your child with mathematics
Parents Guides
Below, you can find a variety of links that will direct you to websites, where parents can find interactive games, activities and ways that you can support your children with mathematics, that will support their learning both inside and outside the classroom.
Reception - counting games for Reception
Times Tables (Y1-6) - practise times tables and number bonds for Years 1-6 - timetables practice – all children Y2-6 have a log on for this.
Maths Games and Activities - Maths activities for all ages Reception to Year 13 – Can access as a guest. - interactive and downloadable resources for Years 1 - 6 - Maths challenges for Year 1 – 6, some great SATs work. - Be A Mathematician – lots of Maths games and challenges to download for ages 5-14 - live lessons and resources for KS2 children and ideas for activities and games for younger children for maths
You can also download this free app.
1-minute maths app | White Rose Education
This app is aimed at Key Stage 1 pupils. There are individual one-minute tasks focus on adding and subtracting – and on ‘Subitising’, the skill of instantly recognising the number of items in a group without counting. Multiplication and division topics are also available. Children can choose any topic they want to try. They then answer a unique series of questions (so it’s a different set of questions every time). If they’re struggling with a question, a ‘Hint’ button will give a helpful clue by showing the question in a different but familiar way.When the one minute’s up, they’ll see a feedback screen telling them how they’ve done.
Key Stage 2 - lots of interactive maths games, suitable for all year groups - downloadable worksheets to print in all areas of Maths – suitable for Year s 2-6 - 5 a day maths questions, plus videos and worksheets on most areas of maths – suitable for Years 3 - 6 - Maths game, free accounts available. Suitable for Key Stage 2. - Maths games and resources for all year groups